© Henadzi Filipenka
References: Hehadzi Filipenka “Engineer” Moscow N4 1990 , N4 1991.
Every subsequent element of the table of elements differs from the previous one in the amount of protons in its nucleus which is increased by one unit and the amount of neutrons is increased by several units in general. That means , that there are more neutrons in the nucleus than protons (without taking into consideration the lightest nucleuses). The scientific literature doesn’t give any explanation of this strange correlation of neutrons’ number to the protons’ number.
It should be noted that for the construction of the model of atom’s nucleus , He nucleuses have the same energies during the alpha-radioactivity. That’s why let’s place all protons with the same number of neutrons on the nucleus external shell , that means , that on the same energy level only bosons can be found , and they are considered to be alpha-elements found on the nucleus external shell.
Let’s place the rest of neutrons inside the nucleus , their task is to weaken the electrostatic field of protons’ repulsion. Supposing that the nucleus is spherical and protons and neutrons have the same radiuses , we’ll get a model of nucleus for any element , which explains the number of neutrons’ ratio to the number of protons , which follows from the existence of nucleons in the atom’s nucleus .
Radioactive decay is probably connected with the nucleus compression , because neutrons in the nucleus capacity weaken radial forces of protons’ repulsion with the growth of an element’s ordinal number.
If nucleuses mass is primary and chemical qualities of an atom are secondary , than in the table of elements atomic weight must change continuously either down on across. Having constructed the table according to these features we have to leave four empty places after Lu and Lr in order to observe chemical qualities of elements . Determination of nucleus charge is probably necessity in discovering elements .
As a matter of fact elements are considered to be discovered based on their chemical qualities .
H 1 | He 2 | Li 3 | Be 4 | B 5 | C 6 | N 7 | O 8 | F 9 | Ne 10 | Na 11 | Mg 12 | Al 13 | Si 14 | P1 5 | S 16 | Cl 17 | A 1 | |
K 19 | Ca 20 | Sc 21 | Ti 22 | V 23 | Cr 24 | Mn 25 | Fe 26 | Co 27 | Ni 28 | Cu 29 | Zn 30 | Ga 31 | Ge 32 | As 33 | Se 34 | Br 35 | Kr 36 | |
Rb 37 | Sr 38 | Y 39 | Zr 40 | Nb 41 | Mo 42 | Tc 43 | Ru 44 | Rh 45 | Pd 46 | Ag 47 | Cd 48 | In 49 | Sn 50 | Sb 51 | Te 52 | I 53 | Xe 54 | |
Cs 55 | Ba 56 | La 57 | Ce 58 | Pr 59 | Nd 60 | Pm 61 | Sm 62 | Eu 63 | Gd 64 | Tb 65 | Dy 66 | Ho 67 | Er 68 | Tu 69 | Yb 70 | Lu 71 | ? 72 | |
? 73 | ? 74 | ? 75 | Hf 76 | Ta 77 | W 78 | Re 79 | Os 80 | Ir 81 | Pt 82 | Au 83 | Hg 84 | Tl 85 | Pb 86 | Bi 87 | Po 88 | At 89 | Rn 90 | |
Fr 91 | Ra 92 | Ac 93 | Th 94 | Pa 95 | U 96 | Np 97 | Pu 98 | Am 99 | Cm 100 | Bk 101 | Cf 102 | Es 103 | Fm 104 | Md 105 | No 106 | Lr 107 | |
But the last lanthanide are radioactive ! According to our model of atom’s nucleus radioactivity of the subsequent after lanthanide elements can be reduced , by bringing a shell inside the nucleus which consists of 4 protons or 4 alpha-elements.
But then defining the nucleuses charge of platinum’s atom on Chardwik’s method , we would get again 77,4 ; because alpha-elements would disperse on the nucleus’s external shell of an atom .
That’s why the question of more precise definition of nucleus charges of elements following the Hf , is raised .
This is probably the reason of the failure to get to the “ island of stability “ and seditious idea comes to the mine we build atomic electric power stations without knowing the definite amount of neutrons and protons in the nucleuses of uranium and plutonium .
1 comment:
Probably James Chadwick made the mistake of measuring the charges of the nuclei of atoms.
Not exactly an error in the measurements, and that he agreed with the periodic table and the result was treated as a charge equal to 78, as shown in Table 77.6 nucleus for platinum.
result 29,3- longer true 0.3 was obtained for copper, 46.3 for silver has less true at 0.7, and for platinum is less than the "true" only 0.6. Reduction of protons associated with each other shielding measurements. Therefore platinum charge 78 results had to be obtained is less, or in other words at the atomic nucleus charge of platinum over 78 and 82 is equal.
We construct a model of the atomic nucleus. We know that protons and neutrons are in the nucleus. In each subsequent element over a proton, and a few neutrons. Why? The volume is growing faster than the surface. When alpha rays are emitted from the nucleus of a helium nucleus approximately equal energies. By placing the nucleus of a helium atom on the surface of the nucleus, we obtain with some accuracy, that the rest of the neutrons are inside yadra.I question and whether and when it is inside a proton nucleus. According to the Law and the Mendeleev Brook rules, as well as the resulting core model designed physical table of the elements.
In this table, platinum is No. 82. Protons start placed inside the core 72 to the element 75. Not yet open elements.
The table filled with all the cells. Do not Mendeleev table, and complex chemical structure. Lanthanides and actinides, which must be positioned vertically according to their chemical properties, as "home" located under the table horizontally. Periodic law is not only in chemistry but also in physics
Please repeat the experience of James Chadwick to measure the charge of the nucleus of an atom of platinum. The charges of the nuclei of copper and silver can not be questioned. But according to this table of elements built according to the law of Mendeleev and the rule of van Broek since charges hafnium nuclei can be 4 units more than made today at the same weight. To set the conditions at the plant, probably important to know the true charge of the uranium nucleus.
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